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Choice architecture – 17/11/23

Philosophy = conceptual rather than behavioural origin

Psychology = bounded rationality

  1. How do we act?
  2. How do we design based upon how we act?

Rational choices

René Descartes

Ludwig Von Mises


(image source)

Long copy in advertising.

A long copy ad is a more detailed ad which goes into more detail than the normal ad would.

Reptilian Brain – survival

Paleommalian Brain – Social and emotional attachment and motivated behaviours

Neomammalian Brain – Skilled moment, logic thinking, languages and higher brain functions.

Rational to Behavioural

  • Behavioural sciences
  • Behavioural Economics
  • Choice Architecture
  • Nudge theory (or Nudge)

Design thinking

System 1 and 2


Heuristics – what is guiding us through life

A type of mental shortcut that entails estimating the probability or risk of something based on how easily examples come to mind.

When making judgments about relative risk or danger, our brains rely on several strategies to make quick decisions (Cherry, 2023).


Cherry, K. (2023b, September 5). How the availability heuristic affects your decision making. Verywell Mind. 

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